Thursday, January 3, 2013

EBN #28 Nominee Indie Author Ricardo Ownes

Written by Crystal Walker
Going through life's struggles everyone has their own special way of dealing with such things. When it comes to Ricardo Owens, born and raised in Marshall Co. He expresses himself through spoken word, public speaking, and writing. At a very young age he became hospitalized due to a brain tumor that was found. Undergoing surgery he accumulated his first stroke. By the age of 19 and 23 he had had a total of 3 strokes within his life. In the end result he became partially paralyzed on his left side, and had to learn to walk again.
Imagining mentally, how to process that type of situation and how that could affect someone. Ricardo received his trials; learned to adapt in life with his disability. He could've easily chose the "poor me" road and feel down about his situation. Instead he chose to turn every negative thought into motivation for what he loves to do. By April 2010 Ricardo released a book entitled "Abstract Beyond Vizion". He felt his writing is beyond what people would imagine and that's where his title of his first book came from. Also on his book, he leaves his motto, which states "Overall this book is written to be an inspiration to its world of readers by being told something is impossible for you-do it and do it better than you are expected to". Continuing to push his book, he still managed to perform his spoken word. Being a hour away he performs in Nashville at places such as B.B. King, Sound Therapy, and Garden Brunch Cafe where he actually started his spoken word career. Today Ricardo is still focused on his writing. He has a new book coming out really soon, and looks forward to get back on the scene with spoken word and public speaking. While putting together his poetry cd as well. Now being nominated for best indie author of the year for the 2013 EBN Awards, he wasn't expecting this type of recognition at all, he just sees that God has put him here for some purpose. He feels allot of people couldn't survive the things that he endured, so being nominated when you're in lower standards, it feels good. To stay updated and to get more information on Ricardo's medical journey, you can go to his website at Vote for Ricardo

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